The Do’s and Don’ts of Bedroom Lighting


Did you know that the majority of new homes built today feature open floor plans? Since most of the existing rooms in traditional homes are now just incorporated into one giant room, the lighting you use in these spaces is critical.

So are you trying to decide what type of home lighting you want for your home?

Before starting on your design, keep reading for the most important do’s and don’t of bedroom lighting.


Make a Lighting Plan

Making a lighting plan will help you figure out what types of lighting you need and where to place it. Before you think about investing in lamps and light fittings, make sure you understand the room and think about the functions and activities that will take place there.

Make a Statement Using Your Bedroom Lighting

Your bedroom should reflect your style. You can create a relaxing and romantic atmosphere by choosing lighting that makes a statement.

For example, you can use a chandelier to add a touch of elegance to your space. Alternatively, you can have a more modern look with wall sconces or pendant lights.

Opt For Energy-Efficient Lighting

There are many benefits to using energy-saving lighting. Energy-efficient lights are available in various types, including LED, CFL, and incandescent bulbs. When selecting energy-efficient lighting, it is vital to consider your needs.

For example, LED bulbs are an excellent choice for task lighting. CFL bulbs are suitable for general lighting. Incandescent bulbs are the least energy-efficient option, but they can be ideal for accent lighting.

Don’t Clash Lights With Furniture Colors

Another factor to consider is that furniture color can brighten a room. Don’t use bright, artificial light in your bedroom as it can disrupt your sleep cycle and make it difficult to fall asleep.

White furniture will reflect light more than darker colors. Overhead lighting will provide general illumination, while you can use task lighting for reading or other activities. You can look here for more information about lightning plans.

Don’t Overdo it With Spotlights

While you may be tempted to use spotlights, don’t unless needed. Spotlights can be a great way to highlight specific areas or features in your room. But be careful not to overdo it, as too many can create a harsh and uninviting space.

Instead, try to use different lighting options and sources to create a well-rounded and inviting atmosphere. Soft, diffused light is perfect for relaxing, while task lighting is excellent for reading or getting ready in the morning.

Lighting Up Your Space

The dos and don’ts of bedroom lighting are essential when setting up your bedroom. Your bedroom should be a haven of relaxation, and the lighting should reflect that.

Follow these dos and don’ts of bedroom lighting to create the perfect space for winding down at the end of the day. And if you need help along the way, contact a lighting professional for assistance.

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